Friday, June 29, 2012

Ritual Classification
            All of the previously mentioned Gansu rituals can be categorized as a certain type of ritual; all Gansu rituals provide insight to the cultural mores and general epistemologies of any society. The prayer rituals in Gansu society function as protective (or divination) rituals because although the first two prayers said every day are simply just a symbol of respect to the deities of our polytheistic culture, the last prayer of the day or tribute that is performed has the purpose of gaining protection against evil spirits that reside in our local mountains. Protective rituals often be a preventive measure against dangerous endeavors, and while there is often a sacrifice offered for a God, in Gansu culture people honor the God of the stream through spending fifteen minutes of silence in the water.
            The Gansu political ritual involving the inauguration of a new elder can be classified as an ideological ritual, or more specifically as a rite of intensification. The public inauguration and a public governing session enhance social unity through attempting to gain the trust of the whole society, and when the new elder speaks to the people, the ultimate goal must be that the society trusts him as a political leader and the fabric of society will not rip apart due to political disagreements. The prior rite of passage of feeding the preceding elder’s corpse to a panda additionally shows a sense of continuity with the past that is often evident in rites of intensification.
            The marriage anniversary ritual in Gansu culture is difficult to assess, however it can be classified as a therapy ritual, although the participants are not always necessarily in a severe state of illness. While couple may not in fact be physically ill, labor and child-rearing are stressful activities and the marriage anniversary ritual serves to let the couple relax, therefore bettering their mental health and most-likely alleviating any stresses or anxieties. The ritual also serves to allow the breaking of the Gansu post-partum sex taboo (or a taboo of sex for other purposes aside from procreation), for one day as much stress and anxiety stems from a lack of sex and unfulfilled desires. But because of the recent addition of prophylactics as anniversary gifts, Gansu couples can spend a day “tasting forbidden fruit”, so to speak.
            The Gansu economic ritual is an ideological ritual that seeks to reinforce social order and values. By accepting gifts from modern China and conversely planting trees wherever Gansu people may work, it reminds the Gansu people not only of their heritage and connections with nature but when Gansu people are away working as a part of China’s modern workforce, they are remembered through the many gifts received, lent out and borrowed back in the Gansu village. The planting of trees also seeks to ideally remind Gansu workers of their status within society so they may seek and aspire to a different specialization within society one day. Younger men and women will seasonally work in modern China, but often skills learned will translate to and be necessary for the operation of daily life in the Gansu village, and eventually many people do not leave after mid-life.

1 comment:

BananaBoatBum said...

*There is no comment link for the post that I am trying to respond to, so I am posting to this post. My comment is meant for the Ritual Process Post on Thu. June 21.

Similarities and Differences between our cultures rituals:
One similarity was the frequency of prayer in both societies. BBBBs pray to Mother Earth everytime they go fishing. The Gansu Panda Tribe prays frequently too, but they pray more than BBBBs because they worship more than one god. One big difference that was apparent as I was reading through the Gansu Panda Tribe blog is that my community views politics differently. The panda tribe has leaders and elders that are in charge, the BBBBs do not.
Cultural Factors that contribute to the similarities and differences:
I think most of the differences are attributed to different beliefs. BBBBs don’t care about material good, or titles. They enjoy being the same and just relaxing. That is the whole point of being a BBBB. The Gansu Panda tribe is more organized than BBBBs. They have specific roles that member in the have. BBBBs on the other hand have the same basis expectation of each other (you fish, I fish, you nap, I nap, etc)
Ritual Classification:
Religious- Their religious ritual could be classified as an ideological ritual because the continuous praying could be to remind the tribe members of their role in the community.
Political-Could be a rite of intensification because it only happens when a new elder is being appointed.
Marriage Anniversary- Divination Ritual because it seems to be an activity that could be dangerous and unpredictable.
Economic-Maybe a rite of identification? It seems that this ritual is in place to reinforce values and norms of the tribe.